Saturday, December 10, 2011

The True Meaning of Christmas?

We went over to my mother-in-law's house to put up her Christmas lights.
Sam loves putting up Christmas lights, but sometimes she gets a little overexcited and starts to act spazzy. It's only a matter of time before she breaks something, so you've got to get all over it fast.
So, after about 30 minutes of putting up lights harmlessly, she started flicking the trees, picking the branches, skipping all over the plants, and yanking on cords of lights. She was officially overstimulated, brimming over with Christmas joy turned destructive.
I was holding Peyton, so I said "Sam! You need to stop being so crazy, we don't flick the trees or rip the branches! Please, stop!"
Without missing a beat she hollered with excitement, "But, Mom! It's Christmas! I'm celebrating the life of Jesus!!!!"


For possibly the first time in my life, I really didn't know what to say back, but I was pretty sure that busting out in laughter was not the right choice. I tried my best not to completely lose it. This kid is nuts, always throwing me curve balls.
I was so glad she understood that Christmas wasn't actually about Santa, presents, or even twinkling lights. I didn't want to freak out and quelch her joy about the real meaning of Christmas. Then again, I am absolutely not okay with using Jesus as an excuse for bratty behavior (there's enough of that in this world). Finally, I just said that hurting plants and disobeying wasn't really a good way to celebrate Jesus.
I guess we'll have a talk today about how Jesus really wants us to celebrate His birth and life. I get to find a way to make it three year old appropriate and not even more confusing. Merry Christmas to me.

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